NASA is a local not-for-profit organization run by a small staff and dedicated volunteers. Every year, around 2,000 children in Austin, play soccer with our club.
Board of Directors
Board Member
Are you a NASA family member who wants to get more involved with the organization? If you're interested in running for a position on NASA's board, contact any current board member or send a message to
Board Member
I started coaching my daughter's NASA team in 2018, and have since added a couple of other NASA teams to my slate. Soccer promotes teamwork, physical fitness, creativity, and challenges players individually to set and meet goals -- all skills needed later in life. I believe wholeheartedly in NASA's mission to offer the opportunity to learn and practice these skills through soccer to as many kids as possible.
Board Member
Recreational sports can provide so many good things to kids in terms of camaraderie, fitness, overcoming adversity, and fresh air. NASA provides these opportunities to kids and, from my experience, has a holistic view of recreational sports that emphasizes health and well-being and personal development and fun.
Club Registrar, Admin & Director of Coaching
Carrie Patton
Club Registrar, Admin and Director of Coaching
I have been coaching our sons' teams here with NASA since 2012. Our players have basically grown up on NASA fields together. When I am not on a field coaching, my main role is being an informal educator. For years I have enjoyed volunteering in the Austin community for various organizations, projects and youth programs.