NASA is a local not-for-profit organization run by dedicated volunteers. Every year, around 2,000 children in Austin, play soccer with our club.
Be a Sponsor for a NASA team!
Families and Businesses in our Community who support NASA financially help build the foundation for each successful season.
Get your logo on a NASA team's jersey just like this!
Team Sponsorships help pay for Scholarships, Practice/Game Fields, our very small staff (currently just one person) and keep NASA Registration fees affordable for ALL families.
U5-10 Team Sponsorship: $400 per team
You will receive:
Company logo (or text) on team uniform (on the front of the jersey)
Company logo and website link on NASA’s sponsor page during the current season
Company logo and web site link in email communications to our parents
U11 and older: $65 per jersey
Sponsorships sold per individual jersey, $65 each. Sponsor as many jerseys as you want! Your business logo goes on the jersey, and if you purchase at least $400 worth, you get company logo and website link on NASA’s sponsor page and email communications to parents during the current season
Sponsorship of an entire team of underprivileged players (paying each individual registration fee):
U6: $840
U7/8: $1,120
U9/10: $1,920
U11/12: $3,200
U13 and older: $3,600 to $4,140, depending on roster size and competition level
Benefits: All of the above, plus very prominent display on the front page of our website, and a lead story in our newsletter, blog and on social media, and any other promotional opportunities we can arrange. We are also happy to tailor a package to assist any number of players you may wish to sponsor.
(Because of the provision of services, donations are not tax-deductible but may be written off as a business expense.)
To become a sponsor, reach out to admin@northaustinsoccer.org or 512-371-3655